Thursday, 1 October 2009

Defenitions of media terminology

Cropping - refers to the removal of the outer sections of an image in order to improve the framing of the image and create focus on subject matter .
In order to fit an image into a smaller space than the image its self you will have to use cropping .

Juxtopose - to place to contrasting things together .
The two characters in the relationship juxtopose as one is of great beauty whilst the other is beastly .

Anchorage - text or some form of key element that directs the viewer to a prefferedview of the image .
The anchorage of this image makes us percieve the man in the image as being an angry and lonely father .

Semiotics -this is the study of signs . helps to take images apart to analyse them in order to get the behind meaning of the image rather then the initial meaning , so reading into the connotations etc .
The use of semiotics helps us to understand the hidden meaning of a wilting rose representing a lost love and suffering , perhaps the end of something .

Mise - en - scene ( french for 'put in the scene' ) - this refers to the different elements included in a scene for example costume, lighting, acting, make-up, props and seting.
The mise-en-scene in 'Mean girls' illustrates that the primary target audience is Girls age ranging 12 - 17 and the secondary audience being both genders age ranging from 15 - 35 . This is shown through the youthful costumes, the young teen girls being the central characters and the main setting being a high school .

Homage - This is when one directer uses certain stylistic features or images that a past director has used in order to pay tribute to them .
The director has used homage through use of copying Steven Speilburg's infamous camera angles as a tribute to his directing .

Demographics - Details of the population , these include ; Status , age , gender , class .
The demographics of ' Monsters inc ' is likely to be children from both genders of a younger age group . The secondary group would be of adults .

Psychographics - This refers to the attitudes , values , interests and lifestyles of people .
When creating a moving image piece for Greenford high school students it is nececary to take into count the Psychographics .

Binnary oposition - term refering to the idea that films are centered around two conflicting elements . This could be two people , two cultures .
The binary opposition in Bride and prejudice is the clash of the two cultures .

Iconography -the elements in terms of props and visual details from a film which distinguish that it is from a certain genre .
The iconography of ' Friday the 13th ' is strongly representive of the Horror genre through the use of blood , weapons , darkness etc .

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